Sunday, September 5, 2010

Hard Not-So-Boiled Eggs

I have successfully completed my first week of my sophomore year of college, thank you very much. It's actually been a pretty awesome week! Lemme do a quick lil' recap hur. :)

Monday: Wake up. Make egg sandwich for breakfast. Attempt to organize my mess of a room, mostly unsuccessfully. Oh well. Go shopping with Grandma, frantically trying to get it done in time for me to be at class at 1. Go to the wrong building for first class. Oops. It's okay, I make it to my other class on time. Get labeled "Texas Girl" by professor on day 1. Met and talked to someone I didn't know. :) Frozen yogurt with Jess after classes. Leftovers from Sunday night at Grandma's for dinner. Family night with my new ward. Meet new, nice people. Go home, put up more decorations in my room. Go to sleep.

Tuesday: Wake up. Make egg sandwich for breakfast, with some fruit. Tackle (successfully) the taming of my room... finally, it is clean and organized. (Although still lacking a desk... I'm still working on that.) Go to classes, including my first choir class that I've taken in over a year! :) Met/talked to someone I didn't know before. Went running at Smith Fieldhouse with Brittany. Come home, go to bed.

Wednesday: Wake up. (I know, it's a crazy bad habit, this waking up of mine.) French toast for breakfast and for dinner. (There's only so much you can do with bread, eggs and milk- aka, the bare necessities that I had to eat, since grocery shopping had not yet occurred). Go to the wrong class (it was only one classroom over from my other one!) Awkward moment. Met someone new. I'm sure something else fun happened, I just can't remember.

Thursday: REALLY tired by eggs at this point, but what can you do? Go to classes, meet new people. Fun day. Go to Institute at night. Free food, met 2 new people! :)

Friday: classes, then my roommate Cristy was nice enough to take me grocery shopping! Yay! Bonfire at night, met lots of new people, had lots of fun, and got tons of smoke stuck in my lungs. Still recovering.

Saturday: shopping for cleaning supplies and such in the morning. BYU FOOTBALL BABY!!! (we won... and my voice suffered the consequences). Went to a game night at my friend Jess's place and had SO much fun there. Came home at like 2:30 in the morning. Yeah.

Which brings us to... today! Where I will be having church, then go to a couple ward functions and what not.

So here are a few things that I didn't mention in my recap: I'm taking ASL 101 (sign language) and I actually really like it! I was afraid that I was going to be bad at it, but it's becoming easier every day, and I feel like I'm learning a lot! Also, I really like my roommates. I totally lucked out, because all of them are normal, awesome, super nice people! As you may have noticed, I've met a lot of new people this week. It's one of my goals. I've been trying to make an effort to be more open to new experiences and new people, and so far it's worked out really great! I'm really loving this new social aspect of life :)

I'm also embarking on a quest. It's a quest to beautify my apartment. It's not super clean, and the walls are very bare. So, true to my Aspen Grove mode that I cannot escape, I made a "deep clean" list. It's like a page and a half long, and it's very specific and detailed and when I'm done with it, my apartment is going to look like a completely different place. Once it's clean, I'm going to find a way to decorate it, and THEN I'll be able to invite people over.

And last but not least, I have discovered a fatal flaw in myself: I do not possess the ability to hard boil eggs. (In my defense, I hear that it's more difficult in Utah because of the altitude, but I have a feeling that it wouldn't be that much different if I did it in Texas.) So, I bought a carton of eggs to hard boil. I talked to several people and asked them how to do it, and I looked it up on a website. So I followed the instructions, and then... DISASTER STRUCK. :( I went to peel the shells off, and much to my dismay, I was not rewarded for my efforts. It wasn't runny, but it definitely wasn't hard. Sadly, I was forced to throw all of them away, along with my hopes and dreams of ever being a good cook. (I've been watching Master Chef lately, it's been putting crazy ideas into my head).

Anyways. Maybe someday I'll be able to do it right. But until that day comes, I guess I'm just stuck with my feelings of failure as a egg-boiler.

 But, let's end the blog on a high note, shall we?

GOOOO COUGS!!!!!!!! :)

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