Tuesday, April 6, 2010

As the end draws near-

Wow! I can't believe that my first year of college is just about over. It's really astounding to me. It seems like just yesterday that I was a nervous freshman getting lost trying to find my classes. I still remember that whole knot-in-my-throat feeling of making new friends and being in a new environment. I remember the novelty of the mountains and of the freedom and the lack of curfew. :) And I look back, and I think about how it's gone- there were some weeks that seemed to drag, while most simply flew by. Now that I've gained the perspective of a year come and gone, I see that it was simply a culmination of weeks- I simply took things week by week, and eventually, the semester was over.

I must say though, this semester has been infinitely better than the last. I knew how to choose my classes and the work load was much easier. I think I've finally gotten this whole college thing down! Last night, I registered for classes, which was a nightmare- as always. The servers ALWAYS crash and it takes forever to register! I was totally bummed because I didn't get into the ASL class that I needed. Hopefully somebody will drop it before Fall semester and I'll be able to pick it up. Other than that, i got all the other classes that I wanted! And I even managed to sign up for Bott's missionary prep class! (I know I'm not pre-mission, but Bott is supposedly an INCREDIBLE teacher).

Finals will be coming up pretty soon, and I have to say that I'm not altogether that nervous. I'm taking my Biology final in class- my teacher said we don't even need to study for it; we're just going to use what we've learned in class. For my creative writing class, my teacher is just going to give us a piece to analyze- we're supposed to spend two hours on it and then turn it in. I could do that in my sleep. For my Social Recreation Leadership class, our final is happening tonight- we're throwing a kindergarten-themed party for the whole class! We're going to have games and songs and skits and it should be pretty fun. So that leaves me with only 3 finals to study for! Book of Mormon, which shouldn't be too difficult, and LDS History and World Religions, which should. But, good news- all my finals should be done in a matter of two days. Then I pack up all my stuff the day after and then I go home to Texas for a couple of weeks. (Hopefully I'll be able to secure a job in Utah BEFORE I go- finding one after I come back might be a little more difficult) But I am very excited to go home. :)

I'm not super excited about checking out of the dorms- the cleaning process alone is supposed to take a minimum of four hours. Not that I'll mind that- cleaning relaxes me. I think it's going to be hard to leave all the good memories though. Don't get me wrong- I feel like I have fully outgrown the dorms, and I'm ready to live off-campus- but these dorms were good to me, and I've loved the time that I've spent here! I love the quad, and I love the lobbies and I really love my room. Plus, it's nice being so close to all my friends- if I want to talk to them, it's a very short walk- either up the stairs or across the way to the next building over. It won't be like that next year :(. Plus, I'm constantly reminded of how transitory my life is now. Who knows, I'll probably be moving every year for quite a while! Packing and unpacking- what a hassle! It's just so weird, knowing that this is going to be the first of many experiences like this to come, and I doubt that it will get any easier.

Easter was lovely, as was General Conference. I went to Grandma and Grandpa's house and we had an easter egg hunt with all the little kids. I love being so close to my cousins- they are so sweet. Right as I was leaving to go back to my dorm, Tyson waved bye and said "Have a good day at college!" in that sweet little voice of his. That boy is a sweetheart.

And last but not least- my ward had a talent show last night! It was way fun and there were a ton of people that performed all sorts of things! I sang "Wide Open Spaces" by the Dixie Chicks. Here's a link to that performance (it'll download, but you can totally delete it after: Kelly Rogers, "Wide Open Spaces"

But the highlight, at least in my mind, was the video. I put together a video of all the boys in our ward who had received their mission calls. I worked on it all week and I was really happy with the result. I think the happiest bit was just seeing how much the boys loved it and how it showed their excitement for getting their calls. Here's a link to the video (please watch it! It's a great testimony of missionary work!) Called to Serve

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