Thursday, April 15, 2010

The Blessings in My Life

I just want to take a few minutes and talk about the blessings in my life that I have received over this past year, if not the past few years.

I guess the first place to start with is the trials in my life. It's been my experience that for there to be a blessing, there's usually a trial of faith that precedes it. I have, like so many others, experienced a fair amount of trials in my life. Some of been in my family, others have been academically, others financially. And throughout it all, there's one truth that rings more loudly than any bell ever could: God knows me, he loves me, and he hears and answers my prayers.

This past year was difficult in many ways. I was leaving home for the first time; starting a new life in a place where I didn't know very many people. It was more academically rigorous, and for the first time in my life, my education was challenging me. Being a freshman in the dorms isn't cheap by any means. With three months left in school, I ran out of money to pay for my rent/ meal plan. I was stressed beyond belief, so torn up with worry and grief. I tried everything I could- I looked for a job every single day, I prayed, and still I felt desperate, like there was no hope. And then, somehow- the Lord provided a way. Looking back on that challenge, it was so easy for me to see how the Lord had always taken care of me through all of the trials in my life. But when you're in the middle of that trial, it's so hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel; to keep that perspective in mind.

Just recently, I had another trial. This time however, because it was so close to the last blessing I received, the lessons I had learned from that one were still fresh in my mind. Instead of freaking out and worrying beyond belief, I decided to put my trust in the Lord. What was my challenge? Finding a job for the summer. It was really important to me to find a good job that I could do well and make a fair amount of money at so that I could be able to support myself through school the next year. I felt impressed to stay in Utah for the summer, so I was looking for jobs all over the place.

My mom arranged for me to fly home after I took my finals for a two-week mini vacation. I was really excited, but just hoped that I'd be able to find a job before I left. I applied SO many places. I applied online, in person- I even signed up for a Temp Agency. Getting the job there, in itself, was a blessing because of how little experience I have. But I was still worried about income- after all, temping isn't steady money, it's more of a week-by-week- I'll-be-lucky-if-I-find-a-job-today kind of deal. I really wanted a steady job.

I was doing my part. I was praying every morning and night, and in the meantime, I was looking for a solution. I tried to set up interviews, I kept my mind open about what different jobs I could do, and I was constantly applying different places, but nothing seemed to be panning out.

A month earlier, I had applied for a job that I really wanted at Aspen Grove Family Camp. I was applying for a cook position, because I wanted to learn how to cook and I thought that it would be a fun job. I went up there for an interview, but was disappointed at the end of the week to learn that they had decided not to hire me. I asked them to keep me in mind if anything else opened up.

So this week, one morning I get a phone call from a Utah number. It was someone from Aspen Grove, telling me that a job had opened up and that they had received my email the day before and was following up. (I had sent them an email checking if anything had become available). I did an over-the-phone interview, and at the end of the interview, I was offered the job! I was pretty emotional, as you can imagine.

That, alone, is a blessing in itself. But to me, it goes even deeper than that. The job starts on May 4. I get back from Texas on May 2. One of my main worries was that A) I wouldn't be able to find a job before I left, or B) That if I did get a job, I wouldn't be able to make the most of my summer and work all the time that I had. I thought if Aspen Grove did actually hire me that it would be for the June-August session and I'd waste the whole month of May. Or I thought that I'd get a custodial position and I'd be miserable the whole summer. But I got a job that I'll actually like! I'll be working in the store, which means that I'll be checking people out and doing inventory and serving ice cream, which is so totally do-able.

Plus, working at Aspen Grove is supposed to be an incredible experience. The scenery is gorgeous, and the people are super friendly. Plus, there's tons of great facilities and cool stuff to do. There's a Ropes Course, a swimming pool, hiking trails, Arts and Crafts, and tons more. Basically, it's awesome.

But the most awesome part is that I know that this is where I'm supposed to be for the summer. I know that the Lord truly heard my prayers and that He knows my needs. There's a reason that I'm supposed to be working there this summer, and I can't wait to find out what that is.

I'm so grateful for the hand of the Lord in my life. I don't know how else to say it. The Lord loves me, and He loves you, and I've never been more sure of anything in all my life.

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