Monday, November 14, 2011

Spider Attack

I had a very traumatic experience today. It's actually quite a miracle that I am still alive.

So there I was, just driving home from work. (A short distance, mind you. Less than a mile.) I had just turned left out of the parking lot onto the road when all of a sudden, from out of nowhere, I see this GIANT BLACK SPIDER (the size of a quarter at least) dangling midair, coming straight for me! Literally, it was swinging right toward me!!! I tried to blow it away, but then it just came right back.

Of course, the whole time this is happening, I'm screaming at the top of my lungs and not paying attention to driving. Like, at all. So there I am, screaming, swerving all over the place. It's a lovely picture, I know.

Finally, I swat at it, and it goes who-knows-where. All I know is it isn't floating in the air attacking me anymore and I quickly put my attention on the road. Amazingly enough, I have not crashed my car and I am not dead.

The next two minutes it takes for me to get home, I spend feeling like there are spiders crawling all over me.

Now, I ask you... How did that spider get in my car?!?! I did not have any windows open. My guess is that the little devil climbed in through the exhaust pipe. Or the air-conditioner-thingy. (Can't you tell I'm an expert at cars??)

Wow. I'm exhausted. Almost getting killed by a spider takes a lot out of a person.

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