Sunday, February 21, 2010

Sunday Morning SNOW is Falling!

Ah, what joy to wake up to SNOW coming down! I opened my window and was welcomed by a white wonderland. But alas, It was quite a bummer to have to walk to church in such weather. But I have to admit, one of my favorite things in the world is to stay inside and just watch the snow falling. It's magical!

So obviously, today is Sunday. I am in serious need of a nap. But there never seem to be enough hours in the day! I always have something I need to be doing. Hopefully I'll be able to make time and take one though!

We had a lovely choir practice today! We started a new song this week (and we learned it all in one rehearsal!) It's Jesus, Once of Humble Birth, and it's absolutely GORGEOUS. I'm so proud of the choir- they are so talented! It gives me goosebumps every time they sing.

Top 5 things I love about today:
1. Singing with choir
2. Going to Grandma's house for dinner
3. Seeing my cousins!
4. Having time to read for fun
5. Just being able to relax and breathe after a really long week

And of course, I can't wait for ward prayer. I'm going to get candy today, I can feel it!

I'm really hoping that this next week will be less stressful than this previous week. I do have a test in my Book of Mormon class, but I have plenty of time to study for it and I'm pretty sure that I'll do well! Also, two of my biology classes this week are optional! Although I'll probably go to one of them because I need to write a Biological Concept Summary paragraph, but that shouldn't be too bad. Mostly, my week is just a bunch of little things that hopefully I can handle one at a time.

I also need to go apartment hunting some more! I wish that I knew what my plans for summer were, job-wise. I've applied to Aspen Grove, and I've also applied to a camp in Texas. But there are also some opportunities to work on campus come the end of April, and I'd really love to get a job on campus so that I could keep it through the fall. But then I'd need to find housing, so I'm trying to figure all that out before I sign any contracts. It's just crazy stressful!

This is the song that I woke up to this morning. I first heard it last semester when a few boys from my ward performed it for ward prayer. I love this arrangement. I think it's gorgeous. Whenever I hear it, I think about all of the boys that are on or are going on missions. I love it!

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